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Halloween Party (superhero paranormal mashup series book 2) Read online

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  Kate reached up to her hand, pulling herself up as Sarah hauled.

  ‘Welcome on board, Sarah. We have a lot of paperwork to fill out after that incident,’ she said.

  ‘He told me he was a historian. He studied history,’ Sarah said, remembering their chat in the pub.

  Kate and George laughed.

  ‘He told you the truth. He does study history. It’s why he is here.’

  ‘Hey,’ Sarah replied.

  ‘For Zero, we are history,’ Kate said.

  # # # THE END # # #

  Want to know what Subject Zero does next?

  Further adventures of Subject Zero in 'Wrong Place, Wrong Time' series

  Get the whole series for a limited sale price.

  #1 - 4 Chronicles of Subject Zero


  To get the FREE books shown below, a chance to win new books, exclusive sample chapters to new books and cover reveals then contact me via my blog. Click on the contact link.


  The other stories in the 'Wrong Place, Wrong Time' Series

  #1 Hero's Break

  At the height of Christmas shopping in the downtown plaza, two superheroes create havoc as they unleash their powers. Bolt and Accel, tear apart the plaza as they smash cars, shops and restaurants to rubble and ruin in their desire to destroy their rival in love for Psy, a female superhero. The happy Christmas spirit is replaced with ultra violence, chaos and fear.

  The General flies in to stop them with the rest of the superhero unit of Flame, Amazon and Psy.

  But they are too late. Bolt's and Accel's actions, through an incidental event, have unleashed an unstoppable terrifying power.

  #3 Wedding Anniversary

  Hiding in time a superhero, Subject Zero, enjoys the delights of the Wild West; the women, the drink and the fighting. After another night of fun Zero is alerted to the presence of another time traveller who has sought him out across time and space. The traveller is his wife that he hasn’t seen for fifty years. She has come to remind him it's their Wedding Anniversary. They discuss old times together and make plans for reconciliation in the future.

  Zero is happy until a massive time disturbance breaks the peace, and Zero and his wife are forced to reveal their true powers to the inhabitants of the Wild West town.


  The light of the morning washed through the flimsy curtains and shone directly into his face. The warm light caused his eyelids to open slowly, and he took in his first of sight of the new morning. It had been another hot night. On either side of him, his two naked playmates lay sleeping with their limbs still partially entwined around his body. Their body heat only added to the warmth in the air, but he didn’t care. The skin-to-skin contact made him feel wanted. He soaked in the sight of each of the naked young women he had spent the night with, and memories of their sex games sparked a big grin across his face. His crystal blue eyes sparkled as he played the memories repeatedly, with no touch or groan left unforgotten. He stretched out squeezing his toes and fingers tight and forcing the blood into every part of his waking body. Gently, he unwrapped the blonde girl's well-toned leg draped across his body. She turned over to face the other way, revealing her slender back, curved hips and full buttocks. He slipped the hand of the buxom redhead off his chest, and she rolled flat on her back. He viewed her naked body and ample bosom with pleasure one last time—flashes of the night before flooding back again. He shuffled down the bed to clamber out of the end trying not to disturb his two companions.

  The faded flower wallpaper covered the small room, which contained only the double bed and a wash basin, but it was enough for their needs. Scattered across the floor were their clothes, which had been flung in the passion of the night and the haze of the drink. He gathered up the red dress from the buxom redhead and laid it over the end of the bed, along with her black pants, corset, stockings and suspenders. The blonde girl’s clothes were in a heap on the side of the bed next to the old wooden door, where his black jacket was hanging off the handle. He grabbed his clothes and pulled on his jeans, grey snakeskin cowboy boots and black shirt. From a peg on the wall, he pulled off his black cowboy hat and secured it on his head. Behind it hung his brown leather holster and gun. He fastened it around his waist, tugging the skull and cross-bone buckle into place. He removed the pistol to check the bullets. Everything was okay... fully loaded.


  #4 Invaders

  Marines and special forces are defeated. Then werewolves and vampires are killed as well. An army of robots easily dispatched. Finally the superhero unit of Accel, Bolt, Psy, Flame and Amazon are defeated, and they trudge back through the hot desert skirting past bodies of the other fallen attackers and back to the army base. Alien invaders jeer them home and shout victoriously believing the Earth will soon be theirs.

  Earth has one last hope, a man called Subject Zero, else the Earth will be defeated, and the alien invasion will begin.

  The problem is how do you convince Subject Zero to fight? Time and place for everything he would say. This isn’t his concern.

  #1 - 4 Chronicles of Subject Zero

  The complete collection of short stories of Subject Zero.

  From his mysterious introduction in Hero's Break to the final revelations in Invaders.

  #1 Hero's Break

  #2 Halloween Party

  #3 Wedding Anniversary

  #4 Invaders

  For other books by P.A. Ross, please visit


  “The Birth of Vengeance (Vampire Formula #1)”


  “Strong characters keep the story going from start to finish with plenty of twists and turns throughout. I can’t wait for the next in the series.”

  “It is such a refreshing change to read a vampire novel that is different from the standard novel. This is no "Twilight" and as such is so much the better for it.”

  “I didn't think it was possible to come at the vampire genre from a new angle any more, what with the numerous books already out there. However P.A Ross has managed to do this and has created an interesting and intriguing story.”

  “Definitely a fresh twist for a vampire story. The premise of the whole story is very interesting. It isn't like your usual vampire novel which is mostly heroine-centric and romance-driven.”

  Product Description

  For Jon Harper, adolescence has been a revolving door of bullying, torment, and isolation. Sick of constantly looking over his shoulder, Jon vows vengeance on those who have wronged him. 

  Enter Thorn: a dark angel of destiny or Jon’s undoing? It is only with the help of this sultry new companion does Jon obtain the ability to wreak vengeance on his tormentors, through the power of the vampire formula.

  With the vampire formula, the user has the ability to transform into a vampire over night, complete with the awesome powers afforded to the living dead. Jon must only choose his path: redemption or forgiveness? For a young man in the throes of young love and awakened passions, revenge is a dish best served in the dead of night.

  # # #


  Barry walked in front of me, crouched down and looked me straight in the eye.

  “What do you think you're up to?” he asked, slapping me around the side of the head.

  The rest of the gang laughed like a pack.

  “Why you here?” he asked again more aggressively than before.

  He punched my chest and the air burst out leaving me breathless.

  “I don't know,” I answered pathetically, not able to give a proper answer.

  “Consequences new boy. You date my girlfriend and hang about watching me and then things get worse.”

  He punched again.

  “Scarlett was fun. Isn't that right boys?”

  The rest started laughing again and making vu
lgar gestures with imaginary women.

  “Check him.”

  Andy rummaged through my pockets throwing its contents in front of me. Wallet, phone, keys and needle. They grabbed some of the stuff each and Barry picked up the needle.

  “What the hell is this for?”

  I just looked at him not sure what to say. Barry nodded at Andy, and he punched me in the face, and my head banged off the railings.

  “What ... is ... it ... for,” Barry said again, but slowly this time as if I didn't understand the question.

  In my bruised and dazed state, I said the first thing that came to mind.

  “Diabetes,” I slurred out of my damaged mouth as my head spun.

  Barry threw it to the floor and went to stamp on it.

  “NO,” I shouted desperately clinging on to my only hope of surviving this ordeal.

  Barry laughed. “Why?”

  “If I don't get my injection I could die.”

  Barry paused with his foot above the needle.

  “It would be murder, that's a big step,” I said.

  Barry stopped grinning, put his foot back down away from the needle, picked it up and walked over.

  The next words just blurted out.

  “I need to take it in two hours' time not now. It would work but would make me feel sick.” I lied.

  “Like what.”

  “Stomach ache and loss of bodily control,” I added for extra effect appealing to his nasty side.

  “What, wet yourself?” he laughed.

  “Eeer, no, no,” I looked away sheepishly with my best acting.

  “You do don't you. Well, get ready, here comes the doctor,” he said kneeling in front of me, while the others pulled up the sleeve of my coat and shirt.

  I suddenly changed my mind, scared of the consequences either way. Death by unknown formula or turning into a murderous vampire. I shouted at them to stop.

  “No, No, please don't do it; you will regret it,” I shouted, but they laughed not understanding my protests were for their own protection.

  Barry stabbed the needle in without ceremony and then pushed the formula into my blood stream. He stood up and stepped back with his hand clutched around his phone ready to film again.

  The fluid mixed in with my blood and the changes started, the genetic formula reassembling my DNA into its new code. Explosions fired across my body. I shook violently as my muscles and flesh contorted as they spasmed into their new alignment. My heart raced trying to keep the blood flowing into my altering body, feeding it the fuel to change.

  The puncture mark on my arm shrivelled away, and the flesh glowed red with a burning heat that flooded through my entire body. The violent shaking made it look like I was having a fit. The gang started laughing again, and Barry's face erupted into a malicious grin, excited to be capturing it for future enjoyment. My heart thumped harder and harder into my chest. I breathed heavily trying to pump the oxygen into my muscles, as they struggled to hold their shape. It became impossible to keep going, as the momentum tore my muscles and flesh apart. Pain seared through my limbs, and I strained at my bonds, muscles tensed and red with blood gushing as it carried the catalyst from the formula.

  I began hyperventilating, trying desperately to ride out each surge of pain and fear. But my heart seized, spasmed and pain shot down my left-hand side. My chest felt like it was collapsing and crushing my heart. Finally, imploding in on itself. I screamed as the burning flesh and heart attack took their toll, and everything went dark. My eyelids dropped shut. My senses shut down totally, and I drifted off into a silent black world. Peace at last. The formula had solved my problems. I was dead. I didn't feel pain anymore or had to worry about revenge or love. At last, it was all over.

  It didn't last…

  # # #

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